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How to manage a construction site in 10 steps

KONE SiteFlow

10 practical steps to manage construction site logistics to be efficient and effective

Effectively managing construction site logistics can lead to construction acceleration. This is done by streamlining operations, maximizing productivity, ensuring safety, and improving working conditions.

Construction site logistics can be complex and challenging in the fast-paced world of high-rise construction, juggling multiple tasks, resources, and safety concerns. However, mastering these logistics can significantly streamline operations, enhance productivity and improve safety at the construction site.

Reduce wait-times by prioritizing elevator calls.

10 practical know-hows to manage construction site logistics to finish ahead of schedule:

1. Set the ideal capacity for your construction elevator ahead

Establish a routine to be followed in your construction site to organize movement of people and materials. Implement buck hoists, also known as construction hoists or material lifts, for heavy materials and interior elevators, commonly referred to as construction time elevators, for safer transportation of workers and tools. This will enhance efficiency and safety in construction logistics by reducing bottlenecks and delays.

2. Be smart in material positioning so it is easily accessible

Place temporary materials near the construction elevator to prevent things from piling-up and getting in the way of your people. Plan the route of every transfer ahead to avoid overlaps, delays, congestion, mishandling, and to not overwhelm the construction elevator capacity. Additionally, ensure that tools like pallet trucks are readily available and easy to locate when needed.

3. Make the most of construction elevator usage

Prioritize essential floors for elevator access, reducing wait times and optimizing productivity. Implementing floor locks during nighttime or critical work phases streamlines operations, reducing unnecessary stops and enhancing overall efficiency in construction traffic management.

4. Coordinate better with workers

Delegate tasks to workers systematically and consistently using a tool that can be accessed through the smartphone. This prevents confusion, mistakes, extra wastes, and need for rework.

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5. Streamline waste management

Schedule waste management to less busy hours during construction every day. This will prevent waste accumulation that can disrupt movement of people and goods on site.


Save time and maintain a clean and organized environment at the construction site by locating designated trash bins with a Tool Finder.

6. Communicate announcements in common areas

Put signs, posters, infographics, and announcements in common areas such as the construction site entrance, locker room, cafeteria, and even the toilet to share important and relevant messages.

7. Plan for extreme weather conditions

Expect terrible weather and prepare for it by waterproofing shafts, and other areas that are prone to water damage.

External hoists are particularly susceptible to excessive rainfall. Make sure there is another construction elevator available in case external hoists are out of order.

8. Plan for a worst-case scenario

Think of the worst things which could happen in your construction site when it comes to safety, waterproofing, construction elevator capacity, and waste management and already list possible solutions so that if any of it does happen, you won't decide from a space of panic, but rather, have a pre-planned list of references ready for a decision.

9. Prioritize safety procedure

Orient workers immediately on safety protocol. Assign a safety officer to make sure that everyone is following procedure consistently on site.

10. Leverage digital tools efficiently

Test construction digital solutions like KONE SiteFlow which is proven to significantly increase productivity by improving day-to-day operations with features like Tool Tracker, Floor Lock, Priority Call for construction elevators, and site performance Analytics.


By implementing these steps, you can effectively manage your construction site to finish on top of schedule with no or little need for correction, manage waste better, as well as ensure safety and improve worker satisfaction in your site.

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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque massa nibh, varius non nisl sit amet, sodales auctor purus. Suspendisse ligula metus, lacinia quis bibendum nec, maximus non lacus. Integer vel felis feugiat, consequat erat id, vehicula massa. Suspendisse vulputate congue enim, eu accumsan orci ullamcorper nec. Vestibulum iaculis et orci porta hendrerit. Donec interdum blandit lorem vel consectetur. Quisque fringilla dui quis velit Vestibulum posuere orci et condimentum porta. Duis posuere, libero in faucibus finibus, quam purus Hyperlink here turpis, in congue nibh libero ac urna. Praesent id suscipit dui, ut rhoncus dolor. Pellentesque nunc ipsum, interdum et vestibulum semper, efficitur eu dui. Cras lacinia nulla non pretium luctus. Praesent in quam sit amet tellus aliquet iaculis sit amet in risus. Cras eu tempus justo. Morbi ut risus sodales felis posuere dapibus. Etiam tincidunt tristique velit ac cursus. Cras lacus velit, finibus vitae est at, gravida laoreet mi. Duis ac faucibus justo. Ut molestie imperdiet nibh, nec ullamcorper tellus dictum eu.Praesent sit amet hendrerit lorem. Mauris ornare orci non volutpat venenatis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Fusce sit amet augue massa. Donec enim velit, lobortis quis suscipit sed, ornare sed dui. Proin rhoncus scelerisque enim ut luctus. Aenean libero mi, viverra quis ultricies quis, faucibus hendrerit nibh. Praesent at tellus ac dui venenatis commodo imperdiet eget lacus. Praesent quis malesuada metus. Curabitur vestibulum quam velit, ac euismod tortor egestas vel. Phasellus quis venenatis erat. Quisque a purus id orci laoreet suscipit non quis nisi. Integer malesuada ex sapien, ac dignissim justo pharetra non. Vivamus tempor neque quis tortor sodales sollicitudin.

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